Contact: Kristine Guzmán

983 376 405 ext. 224

Dirección General de Políticas Culturales
Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte
Avda. del Real Valladolid, s/n
47014 Valladolid

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Isabel Sáez Pérez


Director/Filmmaker / Director/Filmmaker. Director’s coordinator / Montage. Editor / Production. Production assistant

City: Burgos

Province: Burgos

Contact details:

Isabel Sáez Pérez

+34 635 153 184


Languages spoken: Español, Inglés

Other languages served: Portugués

In my work, I am committed to an intimate, tender and careful point of view that makes cinema more than just an art. Aside from directing my own projects, I have worked as an assistant director as well as in the production department. Understanding cinema as a healing tool and gender themes mark the trajectory of my projects.