Three generations united by a passion for cinema and for bringing the culture of the seventh art to all audiences and corners of Spain.
Joaquín Fuentes inherited this passion from his father and, in the same way, transmitted it to his son Alberto, the generational replacement of PROYECFILM.
Joaquín, founder and manager of the company, used to accompany his father (a painter of film posters on Madrid’s Gran Vía) in the 60s, bringing cinema to small towns with a 16mm projector, a bed sheet as a screen; and for the seats, everyone had to bring their own chair and a hot brick wrapped in a blanket as heating.
In the early seventies, a teenager Joaquín dedicated himself to showing films at schools and film clubs (FORUM, FECUM, University, youth, family…). With this experience, PROYECFILM was founded, now with state-of-the-art projectors, sound equipment and screens appropriate to the projection location.
A long career that is joined by his son Alberto, the third generation, who inherits the professionalism and passion that they have put throughout all these years in each of their projects, and that has allowed them to remain in a very important part of culture, fueled, above all, by the easy, and free access to some films over the Internet.