We are an audiovisual production company founded in 2010 by partners Pablo García Sanz and Miguel Sánchez González, university and professional colleagues and friends and members of the Spanish Film Academy.
Our purpose, intact to this day, is clear: to be one of the leading audiovisual production companies in Castilla y León. Our commitment to the land where we grew up is firm. Hundreds of kilometers throughout the region creating more than 1000 audiovisual pieces in these 10 years of life for institutions, companies and individuals.
And if we have to leave the territory… We leave too! Embarking on numerous shoots, our steps have led us to film in other areas of Spain such as Navarra, Madrid, Andalusia or Asturias, and in other countries such as Zambia, South Africa, Cuba, Western Sahara, Equatorial Guinea, Portugal, Germany, and Italy.